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Casa Brava na Suíça !

Casa Brava

Dernière mise à jour : 28 mars 2020

Caros amigos e clientes da Suíça ! Já podem encontrar os nossos produtos na loja online da ToP. Taste of Portugal., um belo projeto dedicado a divulgação da cultura portuguesa com um belo olho novo !

Chers amis et clients de Suisse ! Vous pouvez désormais vous procurer nos produits sur la boutique en ligne ToP. Taste of Portugal, un beau projet dédié à la divulgation de la culture portugaise avec un oeil nouveau !

"Time to give your skin what it deserves: CASA BRAVA's soaps. They are all BIO and vegan. And by using them you're preserving nature. I'm a big fan <3 All soaps are made with organic extra virgin olive oil. It nourishes the skin and regulates its natural hydration system. Calming it soothes redness and irritation. Very soft, it's perfectly tolerated by the most sensitive skins." Thank you Liliana Isabel Belchior

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